
“Inspiring and engaging the next generation of contributors to the construction industry.”


Educate Offsite helps to promote and create career opportunities within the offsite construction industry. A large percentage of the existing construction workforce is nearing retirement in the next decade, adding to existing labor shortages. Young people are not currently entering the construction workforce in numbers that will replace those retirees. The exposure to, exploration of, and real world experience in the industry is vital to guiding young people to meaningful careers. Educate Offsite aims to educate and connect stakeholders involved in building the next generation of contributors to the construction industry. This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) under the Building Technologies Office (BTO) Award Number DE-EE0009744.

Getting Started

If you are a student or new job seeker, create an account and use our online resume building tools to build a profile that matches you to several manufacturing and construction jobs in your area. Employers can create an account on behalf of their firm in order to post listings and search for applicants. Educators can create accounts on behalf of their organization to connect students to job programs.